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Pastor's Message

I believe teaching verse by verse is the best way to learn the whole counsel of God’s Word, and to make its truth apply in our everyday lives through the power of the Holy Spirit as He educates, edifies and empowers each believer to do His will.

Our purpose as a church is to win souls for Christ. Jesus said "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." It’s the "making disciples" that drives our goal to reach all men with the good news of the gospel. How do we reach people? We do this by our own personal witness whether at work, or school, or on the playground.

We want to create an atmosphere at The Oak Church where believers can come and worship God in the spirit of holiness, celebrating God’s grace and mercy. Our services are a balanced blend of worship and teaching. Although I believe and teach the full gifts of the Spirit, our time together on Sundays is best described as conservative. The main reason we are together is to learn all we can about God’s Word, so that God becomes our full focus whether we are worshipping together, or during our time of teaching.


My prayer and desire is to see you growing in the Lord. So many Christians start their relationship with the Lord like a 4th of July skyrocket! At first there is a lot of sparks and excitement followed by a big boom, then it all fades away. My goal is to help you burn with a sustained passion every day for the Lord through the teaching of His Word. From God's Word you will discover all you need to walk along in this life together with Jesus. Come and discover together with us all that the Lord has for us found in the greatest book in all of history, the Bible!

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